Penny Sansevieri

At the last San Francisco Writers Conference, I attended Penny Sansevieri’s sessions, bought her books, and listened to the CD’s of her sessions.  Today I re-listened to “How to Sell Truckloads of Books on Amazon.” It’s loaded with valuable information that I have to organize into a To Do List. Penny is Founder and CEO […]

J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan

My favorite scene in Disney’s Peter Pan, the animated classic created in 1953.  J.M. Barrie, author and playwright, born on May 9, 1860 in Scotland, is best known for writing Peter Pan in 1904. Barrie wrote his first novel, Better Dead, in 1887, and then several novels set in Scotland.  In 1890, he began to […]

J.M. Barrie’s Peter Pan

My favorite scene in Disney’s Peter Pan, the animated classic created in 1953.  J.M. Barrie, author and playwright, born on May 9, 1860 in Scotland, is best known for writing Peter Pan in 1904. Barrie wrote his first novel, Better Dead, in 1887, and then several novels set in Scotland.  In 1890, he began to […]

Happy Mother's' Day

Whether you have children, nieces, nephews, dogs, cats, birds, fish, or tarantula,  you are a special super power woman. Enjoy your day.

Happy Mother’s’ Day

Whether you have children, nieces, nephews, dogs, cats, birds, fish, or tarantula,  you are a special super power woman. Enjoy your day.

Edvard Munch's "The Scream"

Edvard Munch created four versions of “The Scream” in various media, three painted and one pastel. The latter was sold at a Modern Art action on May 2, 2012 for $119,922,600, the second highest price paid for a painting at auction. “The Scream” has been the target of several high-profile art thefts. In 1994, the […]

Edvard Munch’s “The Scream”

Edvard Munch created four versions of “The Scream” in various media, three painted and one pastel. The latter was sold at a Modern Art action on May 2, 2012 for $119,922,600, the second highest price paid for a painting at auction. “The Scream” has been the target of several high-profile art thefts. In 1994, the […]

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