Dorothy Richardson and H.G. Wells Quotes

Dorothy Richardson was born May 17, 1873 in England and died June 17, 1957. Her book, Pilgrimage, is a sequence of 13 novels in which she uses stream of consciousness, a narrative writing technique, and writes about the importance of female experiences. The stream of consciousness technique uses interior monologue in writing. Edgar Allan Poe’s […]

Las Positas College Anthology Book Launch

Las Positas College’s Anthology judges awarded Patrick Coyle first place award for his essay, “Time of Your Life.” Elena K. Manzo’s photo of her daughter holding a butterfly called “Joy Through Child’s Eyes” is printed in the anthology. Tanda Clauson’s photo of her son’s boots called “Waiting for Spring Rain” is also in the anthology. […]

Katherine Anne Porter Quotes

Katherine Ann Porter, born May 15, 1890 in Texas, died September, 1980 in Maryland, was a Pulitzer Prize- winning American journalist, essayist, short story writer, novelist, and political activist. She was known for her penetrating insight and her work with dark themes such as betrayal, death, and the origin of human evil. She was married […]

Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes

Alfred Lord Tennyson was born on August 6, 1809 in England and died October 6, 1892.He followed William Wordsworth as Poet Laureate of Great Britain. He held that position from 1850 to the time of his death in 1892, the longest tenure of any laureate. Robert Browning was his contemporary who said Tennyson was “insane” […]

Do You Know the Name of the Author Who Wrote The Birds?

Probably most of you have seen Hitchcock’s movie The Birds, but did you know that Dame Daphne du Maurier wrote the short story?  “The film adaptation of her novel, Rebecca, won Best Picture Oscar in 1941. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte was one of Du Daphne’s strongest influences. Du Maurier wrote The Infernal World of […]

Thomas Oppong's Book A SMART NEW MIND

Thomas Oppong’s book, A Smarter New Mind: What You Can Do Every Day to Get Smarter, sounds  interesting. On his website you can read  an excerpt from his book that summarizes 8  things you can do every day to get smarter. My favorite is “Reflect on your learning by blogging.” A couple others are, […]

Thomas Oppong’s Book A SMART NEW MIND

Thomas Oppong’s book, A Smarter New Mind: What You Can Do Every Day to Get Smarter, sounds  interesting. On his website you can read  an excerpt from his book that summarizes 8  things you can do every day to get smarter. My favorite is “Reflect on your learning by blogging.” A couple others are, […]

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