Christopher Marlowe

Christopher Marlowe, besides being a poet and spy, was considered the foremost Elizabethan tragedian of his day (baptized in February 1564). “He influenced William Shakespeare, who was born in the same year as Marlowe…” When Marlowe was at Cambridge college, he was a spy for Queen Elizabeth. “Marlowe’s plays are known for the use of […]

Novel Revisions

I’m preparing for a garage sale scheduled in two days and I’m revising 10,000 words of my novel due for a contest on the same day. Actually, taking breaks from boxes of stuff to files on the computer made multitasking a good thing. One more day to get it all done.

Writers' Prompt from Jack Heffron

The Writer’s Idea Book by Jack Heffron includes more than 800 prompts. I randomly opened the book to “Chapter Fourteen: Your Fifteen Minutes.” Each chapter begins with a famous writer’s quote. Chateaubriand was assigned this chapter with: “Let us not be too scornful of fame: nothing is lovelier, unless it be virtue.” Heffron was a […]

Writers’ Prompt from Jack Heffron

The Writer’s Idea Book by Jack Heffron includes more than 800 prompts. I randomly opened the book to “Chapter Fourteen: Your Fifteen Minutes.” Each chapter begins with a famous writer’s quote. Chateaubriand was assigned this chapter with: “Let us not be too scornful of fame: nothing is lovelier, unless it be virtue.” Heffron was a […]

Nancy Kress Science Fiction Writer Quotes

Nancy Kress is an American science fiction writer, born in January, 1948. Her 1991 novella, Beggars in Spain, won the Hugo and Nebula awards. Since then she expanded it into a novel. In 2012 she also won the Nebula Award for Best Novella for “After the Fall, Before the Fall, During the Fall.”

Memorial Day

What did you do this Memorial Day? We took a mile walk, had chicken for lunch and strawberry shortcake for snack. Then we prepared for the HOA’s annual garage sale this coming Saturday. Our eighteen year old, Ariana, cleared out her room for a re-do since she will be staying with us during the week […]

USS Potomac More Photos

Before we boarded the USS Potomac Crew’s Bunks    Engine room In the Radio Room listening to recording of FDR speech. Tug boats helping large cargo ship go back out to sea as we passed by.

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