Interview with Writer Sheila Bali

Sheila's westieIn yesterday’s post, I asked if anyone’s protagonist had a pet. Sheila Bali answered, “Yes, a Westie.”  I didn’t know what a Westie looked like so I found this picture on the internet. Sheila,   this one might not look like yours, but it gives us an image. They are very cute dogs.

Sheila Bali has two blog posts and a novel excerpt in my anthology, Written Across the Genres, which is available on Amazon. Her blog posts are called, “How History Leads to Historical Fiction” and “Navigating the Torrid Waters of Writing.” The excerpt is from her novel in progress called Shattered Tears for My Homeland.

FrontCover of Written Across the GenresHI

Here is a short interview with Sheila Bali:
Julaina:  Who is your favorite author and his/her genre?

Sheila: I read different genres, however if I had to narrow it down, it would be fiction. I have numerous favorite authors.
Julaina:  Why do you write?

Sheila: I have vivid thoughts and before long they turn into movies that reel a story onto a leaf of paper.
 Julaina: Where do you like to write?

Sheila: It depends on the day and my mood. I prefer the dining room table with a vase of flowers placed on it. They’re reminders that my dogs need to take me for walks, otherwise I never see the light of day.
Julaina: What are you working on now?

Sheila: I’m working on an historical fiction based on a family’s exodus during the murderous 1956 Hungarian Revolution.

Julaina:  Thanks for stopping by, Sheila. Good luck with your novel.

Here are links to Sheila’s social media:

(@ sheila_ bali) | Twitter

Sheila photo on web

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