Does Your Setting Have an Arc?

Writers know that the main character’s change follows an arc. The plot has an arc of increasing tension toward the climax and then some resolution. How can a setting have an arc? Setting details are important, not lengthy chunks of detail, but enough interspersed so the reader has an image. The image also is relatable […]

5 Ways to Add Humor to Your Memoir by Stacey Gustafson

The following is Stacey  Gustafson’s blog post from March 6, 2015. Her eBOOK, for a limited time, is  99¢. Click here to get your copy, Her blog is:    5 Ways to Add Humor to Your Memoir Do you believe that memoir has to be serious in order to get your point across? […]

Characters’ Flaws and Fears

Jill, my protagonist in Norman in the Painting, has a fear of taking risks. She went to the university closest to her hometown although she was accepted in several that were in different states. She wasn’t afraid to leave her parents or to leave her few friends. The small town in the story is a […]

Victoria Zackheim’s FaithAnthology Book Reading in Berkeley

Victoria Zackheim & Contributors read from Zackheim’s anthology, Faith: Essays from Believers, Agnostics, and Atheists at Mrs. Dalloway’s Bookstore in Berkeley on February 25th. Zackheim is the author of the novel The Bone Weaver and the editor of five anthologies, the one before Faith was Exit Laughing.  She writes documentary films and teaches creative nonfiction […]

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