Secondary Characters Deserve Attention

Do you have secondary characters in your novel or story? Have you given them enough attention? Or are you using them as if they were props? As writers, we spend time in character development for our protagonist and antagonist, and tend to throw in a secondary character for dialogue or for a cause of some […]

Lolly Winston’s Good Grief

Lolly Winston’s Good Grief is an excellent book. I savored the last twenty pages, unable to leave the characters and their world in Ashland, Oregon, that I enjoyed these last few days. At times the story brought tears and other times, I laughed out loud, even in the reception room where I was waiting for […]

Rollo May Quotes

Today, I opened a book at random and found the following quote by Rollo May: “The boundaries of our world shift under out feet and we tremble while waiting to see whether any  new form will take the place of the lost boundary or whether we can create out of this chaos some new order.” […]

Ann Winfred’s Coming of Age Croneicles

Ann Winfred,  Coming of Age Croneicles, posted this essay on her blog about Jenny Joseph’s poem “Warning”: When I Am An Old Woman . . . WHEN I AM AN OLD WOMAN… The teacher of my senior chair yoga class mentioned the other day that she finds herself inexplicably attracted to wearing purple after sixty […]

John W. Gardner and John C. Gardner Quotes

John W. Gardner, October 8, 1912 to February 16, 2002, was an American statesman. He was a vigorous advocate for social action. John C Gardner born July 21, 1933 in New York, died September 13, 1982 in a motorcycle accident. He was an American novelist, essayist, literary critic, and university professor. Gardner’s novels range from […]

Writer’s Digest University

For the first time, I’m taking a class with Writer’s Digest University. “How to Find and Keep a Literary Agent Boot Camp.” It includes a tutorial presented by agents at the Dijkstra Literary Agency explaining the process of submitting to an agent. For two days, two hours each day, there will be Q and A […]

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