Pitch-O-Rama: Meet the Agents and Editors March 28

WNBA small badgeWomen’s National Book Association’s 12th Annual Pitch-O-Rama: Meet the Agents and Editors is set for tomorrow morning.

  • Saturday, March 28, 2015, 8:00 am – 12:30 pm
    For men and women
    Women’s Building, Auditorium,
    3543 18th Street (b/t Guerrero & Valencia Streets) San Francisco CA 94110
    Continental Breakfast
  • Free pre-pitch coaching and ongoing mentoring
    Two one-hour pitch sessions and more!
    After the sessions, a panel presentation explores “Steps to Publishing: Editing”

    Cost: $65 WNBA members, $75 non-members, $90 walk-ins, if space available.

  • A rare opportunity to pitch to literary agents and acquisition editors in a private, supportive setting and receive feedback from some of the best publishing professionals in the Bay Area.

The list of some of the agents:

Andy Ross, previous owner of Berkeley’s legendary Cody’s Bookstore, now owns his own literary agency.

Georgia Hughes, editorial director at New World Library.

Brenda Knight, presenter at the SF Writers Conference, worked at Harper Collins.

Donna Galassi, VP Associate Publisher for Avalon Travel and Seal Press.

Daniel Harmon, Publishing Director, previous pop culture editor.

Amy Cloughley, agent with Kimberley Cameron & Associates.

Chelsea Lindman, literary agent at Sanford J. Greenburger, Associates.

Laurie McLean, Founding Partner of Fuse Literary Agency, previously with Larsen Pomada Literary Agents.

Gayle Wattawa, of Heyday, an independent, nonprofit publisher.

Carlie Webber, founder of CK Webber Associates Literary Agency.

And several more.

See you there.  Womens Building in SF

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