John W. Gardner and John C. Gardner Quotes

John Gardner pic with quote

John W. Gardner, October 8, 1912 to February 16, 2002, was an American statesman. He was a vigorous advocate for social action.

John Gardner accepting for who they are

John C. Gardner

John C Gardner born July 21, 1933 in New York, died September 13, 1982 in a motorcycle accident. He was an American novelist, essayist, literary critic, and university professor. Gardner’s novels range from the award winning October Light in which a crochety New Englander takes a shotgun to his television, to Grendel, a retelling of the Beowulf story by the troubled monster himself: “I observe myself observing what I observe. It startles me…No thread, no frailest hair between myself and the universal clutter!”

John Gardner book cover GrendelThanks to one of my first writing teachers, Jessica Barksdale, Grendel is one of my favorite books. Gardner created a murdering monster that the reader cares about, drawing tears from me several times.

In my search for John C. Gardner quotes, both Gardners were mixed together, many without the middle initial. So I’ll add a few here and you can decide who said what.

john gardner dragonsjohn gardner read five words and see imagesjohn gardner sit on goldjohn gardner poor Grindel

John Gardner realm where spirit more solidjohn gardner transforming but changing nothing

John Gardner life without an eraser

john Gardner Real suspense
























Some information and Photo credit of John C. Gardner:

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