Writer’s Digest University

Boot campFor the first time, I’m taking a class with Writer’s Digest University. “How to Find and Keep a Literary Agent Boot Camp.” It includes a tutorial presented by agents at the Dijkstra Literary Agency explaining the process of submitting to an agent. For two days, two hours each day, there will be Q and A on topic, and we will have time to revise our query letter and the first 5 double-spaced pages of our novels as necessary.

Then, best of all, we send our revisions directly to one of the four agents we are assigned. They will spend 10 days reviewing what we’ve submitted and provide feedback as to what works and what doesn’t. I pitched Norman in the Painting to an agent at the San Francisco Writer’s Conference last month who asked for the manuscript and query. I’m excited to attend the WD Boot Camp so I’ll learn how to present the best query and first five pages possible.

Have any of you taken a WD Boot Camp?

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