Art is Not Only a Piece of Heart

Thanks to Ann Winfred’s friend, David, for sharing this quote with her and thanks to Ann for letting me share it too. I dedicate this quote to Ron Toryfter and all his and my artist friends..

A Wolf Called Romeo by Nick Jans

National Geographic has an interesting article about a friendly wolf in Alaska. Romeo appeared in the Alaskan community near Juneau, and “was a bit of a flirt, and like Shakespeare’s Romeo seemed to fall in love with”…Juliet, a yellow Labrador. Normally wolves fight with canines or eat them, but Romeo wanted to play and […]

Pitch-O-Rama: Meet the Agents and Editors March 28

Women’s National Book Association’s 12th Annual Pitch-O-Rama: Meet the Agents and Editors is set for tomorrow morning. Saturday, March 28, 2015, 8:00 am – 12:30 pm For men and women Women’s Building, Auditorium, 3543 18th Street (b/t Guerrero & Valencia Streets) San Francisco CA 94110 Continental Breakfast Free pre-pitch coaching and ongoing mentoring Two one-hour […]

Writer’s Digest Boot Camp

Writer’s Digest University’s “How to Find and Keep a Literary Agent Boot Camp” is half-way finished for this week. I’ve learned a lot about query letters. We’ve viewed two videos, had two days of two hour discussions, and tomorrow we submit our query letter, first five pages, and synopsis for our agent’s critique. I choose […]

Paul Levinson’s The Other Car

The next couple days I might not post since I need to organize my receipts for taxes. I took a break today and read a novella by Paul Levinson called “The Other Car.” It’s available on Kindle for $.99. James Oleson is beginning to see everything in perfect duplicate – two identical models of cars […]

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