BookShop West Portal Display at SF Writers Conference


Neal Sofman of Bookshop West Portal sets up tables at the SFWC to sell books written by the presenters, attendees, and volunteers. This table is one of three at the Mark Hopkins Hotel where the conference is held every year.     Photo credit for Coach Teresa LeYung-Ryan

Teresa LeYung-Ryan’s book Love Made of Heart is on the right at the top with the girl whose eyes are closed.

My anthology, Written Across the Genres is on the left,

Below my book are DVDs by Maryjean Ballner who wrote Cat Massage: A Whiskers-To-Tail Guide to Your Cat’s Ultimate Petting Experience and Dog Massage, both books were published by St. Martin’s Press. She has been on the David Letterman Show and “Live With Regis and Kelly.” She presents workshops in Japan and the U.S.

I’m forever grateful to Maryjean for introducing me to the SF Writers Conference in 2006.    MaryJean with dogs

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