British Revolutions: Kings, Queens, and Knaves

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute in Berkeley, California, offers a great course on “British Revolutions: Kings, Queens, and Knaves” taught by Bruce Elliott. The link below shows a video of Elliott speaking about the class that’s held on Tuesdays from January 27th to March 3rd. In this session, he will be covering the periods from Renaissance […]

Shen Yun Performance

My birthday present this year was tickets to Shen Yun. The performance was stunning. Synchronicity in the dances and beautiful coordinated colors added to the mesmerizing scenes. Their website ad explains: REVIVING 5,000 YEARS OF CIVILIZATION Through the universal language of music and dance, Shen Yun weaves a wondrous tapestry of heavenly realms, ancient legends, […]

Henry David Thoreau Quotes

“”What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” ~Henry David Thoreau “How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live.” ― Henry David Thoreau “It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” […]

Senryu, Similar to Haiku

The Shadow Poetry link explains the differences between Haiku and Senryu.  Kathy Lippard Cobb wrote the information and included samples of each. She states that senryu deals with human nature, satire, humor, and political issues. Debates about what is or is not senryu is confusing. When poets submit a poem that could be haiku […]

Haiku Samples

Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry. It is comprised of 3 phrases. Traditional haiku form is a total of 17 syllables with the first line having 5 syllables, the second line has 7 syllables, and the last line has 5. The one on the far left by Earle J. Stone follows the traditional pattern. […]

Music Inspires My Writing

Do you listen to music as you write? Read this post by Jordan Bernal, author of The Keepers of Eire, to see whose music inspires her. I don’t usually listen to music when I write, but if I do, it’s by Patrick Von Wiegandt.

Story Idea-Welded-to-Emotion

My last post addressed story ideas and how to write down the ones that come to you before the idea disappears. This post will look at idea in more depth. In Catherine Brady’s book Story Logic and the Craft of Fiction, she states that a writer can discover the right plot for an idea. “But […]

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