Tri-Valley Writers Conference Contest

Penny WarnerCalifornia Writers Club, Tri-Valley Branch, has a writers conference scheduled for April 18, 2015. Attendees can enter the conference writing contest before January 31st. Here is the link to register:

Tri-Valley Writers Conference 2015

It is open to the public, but there’s a limit of 100 spaces. April may seem a long way away, but by registering now, you not only will be one of the 100, but you have a chance of being one of the contest winners. Awards are $150 for best prose and $150 for the best poetry.

After registration, each attendee can submit one prose pieceĀ  with a 1500 word maximum, fiction, non-fiction, memoir, or essay. A poem of 24 lines maximum may be entered also. Each entry fee is only $5.00. See the website for guidelines, and remember the due date is this coming Saturday.

Presenters at the conference include Penny Warner (photo above) who has published over 60 books for adults and children.

Her first mystery featuring a deaf reporter, Dead Body Language, won the Macavity Award for Best Mystery and was nominated for an Agatha and an Anthony Award. One of my favorites is her The Official Nancy Drew Handbook. At the conference she will be on a panel with David Corbett and Shelley Adina discussing the “Essential Elements for Writing in a Specific Genre”. Warmer also will present a morning session called, “Bringing Emotion in to Your Story through Narration and Dialog.” If you’ve never heard Penny speak, her humor is a pleasant surprise.
My next post will feature the other presenters.

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