Author Interview with Stacey Gustafson

Today, I’m pleased to participate in a blog tour and interview Stacey Gustafson, author of Are You Kidding Me? My Life with an Extremely Loud Family, Bathroom Calamities, and Crazy Relatives. Julaina: Since you are a friend of mine, I know you, but for our readers, who is Stacey Gustafson? Stacey: I’m a humor writer, […]

Flash Fiction Book, UP, DO

Patricia Flaherty Pagan edited Up, Do, an anthology of thirty-three flash stories by award-winning and emerging writers. The four categories are “Our Hearts”, “Our Bodies”, “Our possible Futures”, and “Our Dreams; Our nightmares.” In the Introduction, Pagan writes: “I subscribe to the theory that flash fiction is like a geode of a larger narrative. Slicing […]

Your Characters’ Smiles

Can you tell the difference between a fake smile and a natural smile? A genuine smile includes wrinkles around the eyes, the mouth muscles move, the cheeks rise, and eyebrows dip slightly. Research has shown that an apology given with a smile in a courtroom, produces a lesser penalty than an apology without a smile. […]

Ray Bradbury Quotes

Ray Bradbury has said: “I have never listened to anyone who criticized my taste in space travel, sideshows, or gorillas. When this occurs, I pack up my dinosaurs and leave the room.” “Creativity is a continual surprise.” “I’m not in control of my muse. My muse does all the work.” “Write a short story every […]

Mystery Authors Night at Towne Center Books

Mystery Authors Night at Town Center Books this evening featured Penny Warner, Sophie Littlefield, and Carole Price. Penny Warner, known for her Party Planning Mysteries,The Official Nancy Drew Handbook, and the Code Busters Club series, has a new book out called Death of a Crabby Cook. She writes under a pen name, Penny Pike for […]

Legends in your Story

One instructor of a writing class told the members to add a legend or myth to the story. One whose elements would reflect an aspect of the plot or character. In my novel, Norman in the Painting, I’ve tried to think of a myth that continues by word of mouth in the small town where […]

Women’s National Book Association Hosted AWWP

The Women’s National Book Association (WNBA) hosted The Afghan Women’s Writing Project (AWWP) last Saturday afternoon at the Temescal Branch Library in Oakland. A small, but enthusiastic group attended. The AWWP was founded in 2009 by American author and journalist, Marsha Hamilton. The project provides women writers in Afghanistan to join together in secure, online […]

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