Using the Sense of Taste in Writing

Using the five senses in writing helps the reader experience the scene. Sight, smell, sounds, and touch are easy to add. Taste is often forgotten unless there are several scenes with food in them. However, your character’s lover could be tasting her berry chapstick. At the beach, the character could lick her lips and taste […]

Rhetorical Devices Epitasis and Anesis

Epitasis is the addition of a concluding sentence that merely emphasizes what has already been stated. A kind of amplification. Example: Eat your sandwich. All of it. Anesis is the opposite of epitasis. It adds a concluding sentence that diminishes the effect of what was said previously. Examples: The little dog is cute and obedient. […]

The Great Courses

If you are a lifelong learner or know someone who is, I recommend The Great Courses which are a series of college-level audio and video courses. The Teaching Company produces and distributes over 500 of them. Notable instructors and experts create the wide variety of interesting and entertaining lectures. The categories range from English literature, […]

Interstellar Review

As we headed for the theater door after the movie, Interstellar,  I said to my husband, “I liked it, but the ending was weak.” Today, Paul Levinson wrote an Interstellar review and in his first paragraph, he stated, “Well, until the last 30 or so minutes I’d say it was – a masterpiece in many […]

Thomas Hardy Quotes

Thomas Hardy Quotes: “While many things are too strange to be believed, nothing is too strange to have happened.” “Time changes everything except something within us which is always surprised by change.” “A resolution to avoid an evil is seldom framed till the evil is so far advanced as to make avoidance impossible.” Thomas Hardy […]

Veterans’ Day

On this Veterans’ Day and everyday, I thank all military members, past and present, for their service. Did anyone wonder what is the difference between Veterans’ Day and Memorial Day? Veterans’ Day celebrates the service of all U.S. military veterans. Memorial Day is celebrated to honor those who have given the ultimate sacrifice while serving […]

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