Mystery Authors Night at Towne Center Books

Penny WarnerMystery Authors Night at Town Center Books this evening featured Penny Warner, Sophie Littlefield, and Carole Price.

Penny Warner, known for her Party Planning Mysteries,The Official Nancy Drew Handbook, and the Code Busters Club series, has a new book out called Death of a Crabby Cook. She writes under a pen name, Penny Pike for this series of food truck mysteries.Death of a Crabby Cook I look forward to Penny’s humor at these readings and  her presentations  for The San Francisco Writers Conference. Sophie Littlefield

The Missing Place

Sophie Littlefield, author of Aftertime and House of Glass, spoke about her new novel, The Missing Place. The setting is the North Dakota oil fields where two mothers team up to find their missing sons. Sophie’s first novel, A Bad Day for Sorry has been nominated for the Edgar Macavity award.

Carole PriceSour Grapes Carole Price is the author of the Shakespeare in the Vineyard mysteries. She discussed her new book, Sour Grapes. It’s a fast-paced novel of suspense with a romance between the protagonist and a Navy Seal.

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