Blog Hop Continues with Elaine Schmitz

In my  participation in the blog hop during the last couple weeks, I tagged Elaine Schmitz whose post about her work in progress, Price of Independence, follows. You can visit her at Her previously published book, Recipes & Recollections of My Greek-American Family, is available on Amazon I’m on a blog hop! Sort […]

Winners in the Poetry Contest About Choices

The winners of my poetry contest about choices have been announced by my poet friends who agreed to be judges. Poems by the three award winners and the honorable mention poets will be published in my next anthology with the theme choices. The anthology will be published in late summer of  2015. Hear the drum […]

Writing Weather in the First Paragraphs

Elmore Leonard states in his book, Ten Rules of Writing, “Never open a book with weather.” He  explains that the reader looks for people and will skip ahead to find them if the author writes on and on about the weather. Sheldon Siegel, author of several modern legal novels, spoke at the California Writers Club, […]

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