Writer Interview Art Tenbrink

Art Tenbrink has a novel excerpt in my anthology, Written Across the Genres. It’s titled Sea Healing. His stories have been published in various anthologies and he also writes Haiku. He likes to challenge his readers to explore human connections. Here is the interview with Art Tenbrink. Julaina: How did you get the idea for […]

Abroad, a novel by Katie Crouch

I read Lisa Marie Basile’s August 7, 2014  interview with Katie Crouch, author of Abroad. Basile said that although the novel is inspired, not based, on the murder of Meredith Kercher in 2007, Crouch “gives her characters autonomy from the real story and the prose is poetic and arresting.” What I discovered when I met […]

Overheard Conversations for Writer Inspiration

One of the assignments in a writing class I took several years ago was to listen to a conversation in a restaurant and use it to inspire a story. I choose a few words I overheard by two women who sat at a table near us one evening in Utah. The story I wrote had […]

What Are You Reading?

Since October is National Reading Group Month, are you in a reading group? I’m not. But if I were, I’d request the group members read The Gravity of Birds, by Tracy Guzeman. Here in the East Bay of San Francisco, the forecast is rain tomorrow, which we need for our drought. It was cloudy and […]

Characters’ Decisions

As writers we have to put our main character in tight spots where decisions have to be made. We make the decision harder when there are no right answers. The character has to weigh what is better between two actions where neither one is guaranteed to turn out right. The deep tension, which is more […]

Mysteries at Opera Plaza Event for October National Reading Group Month

Mysteries at Opera Plaza held in San Francisco on October 11th was a huge success. There were 70 attendees at Books, Inc. The three mystery writers, Katie Crouch author of Abroad, Alice LaPlante, author of Circle of Wives, and Sophie Littlefield author of The Missing Place discussed their books. Tracy Guzeman, author of The Gravity […]

Writing Body Language with Gestures

When writers describe body language, it’s often done with one simple sentence, such as Viv furrowed her brow. The meaning can be misleading without supportive evidence in how she’s feeling. Is she confused? Is she angry with what was said? Or is she in pain? Gesture clusters reveal more accurate information. For instance in this […]

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