Writer Interview with Sharon Lee

Old fashion ice boxSharon Lee has a short short story and a memoir essay in my anthology, Written Across the Genres.

The short short is called “Coming Home” and is filled with sensory details of a cold winter day. The memoir essay, “Hide and Seek”, is about helping her five year old brother hide in an ice box and her struggle to get him out when he cried that he couldn’t breathe.

Here is an interview with Sharon:

Julaina: How did you get the idea for your story?

Sharon: As an adult, I have come to realize the close call to loosing my brother when we hid in an icebox.

Julaina: What is a writing day like for you?

Sharon: Early morning is when my best ideas flow. It’s easy to completely lose track of time and write for three to four hours without noticing.

Julaina: What do you enjoy about writing?

Sharon: Writing for me unleashes all kinds of stuff and I find it stimulating, healing, and very fulfilling.

Julaina: What is the difficult part of writing for you?

Sharon: Sometimes the right words elude me, so I go on and come back to it later. Then the words untangle and my thoughts flow freely again.

Julaina: What are you working on now?

Sharon: My plans are to complete my first novel by January 2015.

Julaina: Do you have any tips for aspiring writers?

Sharon: Follow your passion, write every day, and never give up.

Julaina: Thanks, Sharon. I’m looking forward to your novel and more short stories.

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