Women’s National Book Association Event

Lori Noack Afghan writing projectNovember 1st at the Temescal Branch Library in Oakland, Lori Noack will discuss how the Afghan Women’s Writing Project provides a platform for Afghan women to share the stories of their lives. She is the Executive Director, Marketing and Development, and brings to the Afghan Women’s Writing Project several years of writing, editing, arts management, and nonprofit leadership experience as executive director of the Sunriver Music Festival (Oregon) and Midsummer Mozart Festival (San Francisco), editor of the Sunriver Scene; founder of Lori Noack Arts Management and of the Written Word. In 2009, she earned her MFA in Creative Nonfiction from the University of San Francisco.

*The Afghan Women’s Writing Project was founded in 2009 in defense of the human right to voice one’s story. Online writing workshops partner international writers, educators, and journalists with English-speaking women in six Afghan provinces. Poems and essays are published each week at awwproject.org.

*Founder of AWWP Masha Hamilton was the winner of the 2010 Women’s National Book Association Award! “Her activism reveals the depth of Masha’s commitment to the world of literacy and books beyond her own career. She is a sterling example of what the WNBA Award truly intends to honor—meritorious work in the world of books beyond her profession,” states Valerie Tomaselli, WNBA New York Chapter President.

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