California Writers Club Tri-Valley Branch Members’ Books in Library

CWC members books whole windowCalifornia Writers Club Tri-Valley Branch members’ books are displayed this month at the Pleasanton Library. My anthology, Written Across the Genres, is on the top shelf to the left.

I’m working on having a copy for check out in as many libraries as possible but it is a long process. So far, Written Across the Genres is available for check out and is in the permanent archives at the Boston, MA, library.

I’m waiting to hear back from the Foster City Library and the Oakland District Libraries for inclusion. As a member of Women’s National Book Association, I want Written Across the Genres to be available to people who can’t afford to buy it.  I’m happy that those of you who have stories, essays, novel excerpts, and poems in the anthology will be widely read.Tri Valley books close up

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