Billy Bob Thornton on Master Class

Billy Bob ThortonIf you have a chance to see Oprah’s Master Class with Billy Bob Thornton, I highly recommend it.

He talks about growing up with two brothers, working in a pizza place, living on pizza everyday with a treat of one doughnut on Fridays, and how he became an instant star in the movie Sling Blade. Best of all, I liked what he said about his grief after his younger brother died.

I enjoyed his performance in The Judge as Dwight Dickham, the prosecuting attorney. I didn’t recognize him in the movie at first. Since Robert Downey Jr. and Robert Duvall are the top stars and were outstanding, not much is said about Billy Bob Thornton. As a supporting actor, I thought he was great.

Has anyone seen The Judge or Thornton on Oprah’s Master Class? What are your opinions?

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