Ursula K. Le Guin Book Recommendation and Quote

Ursula K. Le GuinUrsula K. Le Guin’s birthday was on October 21st. She’s eighty-five years old. She writes mainly in the fantasy and science fiction genres. Her book titled The Wave in the Mind: Talks and Essays on the Writer, the Reader, and the Imagination has her 1992 essay “Dogs, Cats, and Dancers: Thoughts about Beauty” in it. Since I like all three, dogs, cats, and dancers, it’s a hook for me.

She said, “A child’s body is very easy to live in. An adult body isn’t. The change is hard. And it’s such a tremendous change that it’s no wonder a lot of adolescents don’t know who they are. They look in the mirror — that is me? Who’s me? And then it happens again, when you’re sixty or seventy.”

I like this quote by Le Guin: “My imagination makes me human and makes me a fool; it gives me all the world, and exiles me from it.”

Do you have a favorite Le Guin book or quote?

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