Mysteries at Opera Plaza Event for October National Reading Group Month

WNBA SYMBOL BADGEMysteries at Opera Plaza held in San Francisco on October 11th was a huge success. There were 70 attendees at Books, Inc. The three mystery writers, Katie Crouch author of Abroad, Alice LaPlante, author of Circle of Wives, and Sophie Littlefield author of The Missing Place discussed their books. Tracy Guzeman, author of The Gravity of Birds, moderated the panel. She asked how isolation and betrayal played in their novels. The authors had interesting and surprising stories about the research they did for their stories.

Women’s National Book Association, San Francisco Chapter and Litquake Festival 2014 sponsored the event for this October National Reading Group Month. Kate Farrell, president of WNBA, with the help of member volunteers, organized Mysteries at Open Plaza. We had a free raffle of each of the four authors’ books and snacks catered by Max’s Opera Cafe. Briah, the event coordinator of Books, Inc. provided everything we needed and moved several book shelves on wheels so we had seating for the attendees.

I am a new member of WNBA and also secretary. We have events every few months and this was the first one I’ve attended. I’m very impressed with the high quality, well organized, and inspiring result of this group’s efforts. Here is their mission statement:

The Women’s National Book Association is a non-profit organization of women and men who work with and value books. WNBA exists to promote reading and to support the role of women in the community of the book. WNBA was established in 1917, before women in America had the right to vote. There are chapters in ten cities with approximately 800 members across the country.  If you’d like to join us, let me know.

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