Protagonist admires Norman Rockwell Paintings

Couple on chest saying dance teamMy protagonist, Jill, in my new multidimensional novel “Norman in the Painting” is a fan of Norman Rockwell. She falls in love with a man in a Rockwell style painting who appears from another dimension. As in most romance mysteries, obstacles block their way in being together.

An old friend of hers has to move to Idaho and offers Jill a Norman Rockwell poster. I chose the one I’ve added in this post. Like Jill, I admire Norman Rockwell paintings too and I enjoy the research to find the right pictures as I go along with the plot.

Do you have a favorite Norman Rockwell painting?

Have you experimented with Google free images to find what your characters look like or paintings that are in the story’s setting or an environment where the characters live? I find looking for images inspirational, maybe you will too.

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