Look for Stacey Gustafson’s Book this Fall: ARE YOU KIDDING ME?


I’ve known Stacey Gustafson for a few years and whenever we are in a group together, she always says something funny to make us laugh. I’ve read most of the stories in her book, Are You Kidding Me? My Life with an Extremely Loud Family, Bathroom Calamities, and Crazy Relatives. I highly recommend it.

Here is part of an interview she shared with me.

Where did you grow up?

I’m proud to be a city slicker from St. Louis; you know that place with the Arch. It’s home to a bunch of really delicious bad-for-you food like toasted ravioli, gooey butter cake, and Provel cheese.

Who are some of your favorite writers?

I love Lisa Scottoline and Janet Evanovich, tough, sassy, funny women.

What inspired the cover of Are You Kidding Me?

I want my book cover to portray the way I feel every day, not mad or sad but frustrated. I’m frustrated with the laundry, waking up before 9 A.M., self-checkout lanes, public restrooms, Brussels Sprouts, roundabouts, and the carpool.

If you had to sum up your book in three words, what would they be?

Funny, relatable, and honest.

What is your favorite TV show?

I watch so many comedy sitcoms, I can recite the lines. I study the delivery of jokes from my favorites like “Seinfeld”, “Everybody loves Raymond”, “King of Queens”, “Everybody Hates Chris”, “Modern Family”, and “The Middle”.

Do you think Big Foot exists?

If he’s out there, the poor guy must be walking with a cane, more like Grandpa Big Foot. Since Big Foot is described as a big hairy creature, maybe I’m married to him.

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