Adriane Nichols Talked about Connecting

At Jessica Barksdale Inclan’s two-day retreat, I was happy to see L.A. actress and life coach, Adriane Nichols again. We both have attended Jessica’s workshops three times.

When Jessica gave us time to write, I found the deck off of the kitchen with no one else there. I wrote the beginning of Chapter Five for my novel, Norman in the Painting where Jill, the protagonist, reads Adriane’s blog. Jill takes her advice to look at her closet for 5 minutes as a way to begin organizing it. Jessica had told me that in my 25 word submission, I describe Jill’s sister, Viv’s clothing at length, but very little about Jill’s wardrobe. As Jill stares in her closet, she and I realize she has a lack of style and is wondering how to change it, symbolic of the beginning of her transformation.

Adriane also told us that some people disconnect to connect. I plan to have one of my characters show that kind of behavior.

What does your protagonist’s closet look like? Do any of your characters disconnect to connect?

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