Paranormal Novel

Now that WRITTEN ACROSS THE GENRES is published and my next anthology with the theme Choices isn’t ready yet, I wondered which novel to finish. HADA’S FOG needs a seventh draft but I need to let it sit a while longer. I want to write something new. I pulled out my paranormal draft that I wrote with NANOWRIMO a few years ago.

It was easy to become enthused about it again. It’s more exciting than HADA’S FOG or LILLI at this point. As my friend, Ann Winfred said, Hada and Lilli will just have to keep each other company this year so I can go off into other worlds. I completed 8 pages yesterday so it’s on its way. Working title for now is NORMAN IN THE PICTURE.

BTW:  WRITTEN ACROSS THE GENRES is now available on Kindle besides in print with Amazon.

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