Author Shannon Brown Interview

Author Shannon Brown Interview

Shannon Brown has two novel excerpts published in my anthology, WRITTEN ACROSS THE GENRES. One is from ROCK ‘N’ ROLL IN LOCKER SEVENTEEN and the other is from her work in progress, FROM BEYOND THE MUSIC. The anthology and Shannon’s young adult novel are available on Amazon.

Here’s a short interview with Shannon.
Julaina: “Who is your favorite author?”

Shannon: “I like Nick Hornby’s fiction. Even though it’s usually set in England, his work is relatable and funny. It also makes me want to visit London.”

Julaina: “Why do you write?”

Shannon: “To get my ideas on paper and because it’s fun.”

Julaina: “Where do you like to write?”

Shannon: “Mostly in my office at a desktop computer because I hate laptop keyboards. Occasionally, I will write in longhand on the couch if I’m not in a typing mood.”

Julaina: “What are you working on now?”

Shannon: “I’m editing the prequel to ROCK ‘N’ ROLL IN LOCKER SEVENTEEN. I have the first draft completed. My other project is PARLOR TRICKED, a first book in a series about a reluctant psychic.”

Julaina: “Thanks, Shannon.”

In my next post I will give an example of Shannon’s humor.

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