Quote from Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou is, and will be, remembered and honored . Here is one of her quotes: “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you.”

More about Author Shannon Brown

In my previous post, I interviewed Shannon Brown who has two novel excerpts in my anthology, WRITTEN ACROSS THE GENRES. She attends our writers group in Dublin, CA. As the teacher, I give ten minute exercises to practice what we’ve discussed. Here is Shannon’s ideas about writing with some rhetorical devices. Disneyland is fun in […]

Author Shannon Brown Interview

Shannon Brown has two novel excerpts published in my anthology, WRITTEN ACROSS THE GENRES. One is from ROCK ‘N’ ROLL IN LOCKER SEVENTEEN and the other is from her work in progress, FROM BEYOND THE MUSIC. The anthology and Shannon’s young adult novel are available on Amazon. Here’s a short interview with Shannon. Julaina: “Who […]

Tri-Valley Writers High School Writing Contest Awards Ceremony

Jordan Bernal, Vice President of the Tri-Valley Writers branch of the California Writers Club presented the winners of the High School Writing Contest with their awards. Several winning students who attended read their poems and short stories. A group photo is on Tri-Valley branch’s website: www.trivalleywritersdotorg. Neva Hodges and I were judges for the short […]

Las Positas Anthology Celebration

George Cramer, Marilyn Slade, Judy Lussie, and Julaina Kleist-Corwin at the celebration for PAGES BETWEEN, Las Positas College 2014 anthology. Titles of their short stories and Marilyn’s poem that were published are: “Too Scared” by George Cramer “How Many Years Ago Was That” by Marilyn Slade “Ryoichi’s Stepmother” by Judy Lussie “George W. Did It” […]


Celebrating the high school students who win awards in the Tri-Valley Writers Club’s short story contest. Also, Congratulations to the writers whose entries were included in Las Positas College’s anthology this year.

Weekend Events Locations Corrected

Thanks to writers George Cramer and Camille Thompson for correcting the locations for this weekend. Without George and Camille, I would have gone to the wrong place on Saturday. For those who plan to attend one or both, here is the right info. Saturday is the Las Positas College anthology launch. Sunday is the award […]

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