Margaret Atwood Quote

I visited the San Francisco Writers Conference on Twitter @SFWC and liked the retweet they posted from It was a Margaret Atwood quote:  “You need a certain amount of nerve to be a writer, an almost physical nerve, the kind you need to walk a log across a river.”

Written Across the Genres Author Interview

Emily De Falla has a short story and a memoir essay in Written Across the Genres, my newly published anthology available on Amazon. “The New Ranch Hand” is in the Western category and won second place in my Western Short Story Contest. Her essay is titled “You’re Going to Be on Art Linkletter”. It’s a […]

Wired for Story Quotes

Lisa Cron in Wired for Story has a “Story Secret” on page 103. She says, “Anything conceptual, abstract, or general must be made tangible in the protagonist’s specific struggle.” On the following page, she quotes E.B. White, “Advice to young writers who want to get ahead without any annoying delays: don’t write about Man, write […]

Las Positas College Anthology Acceptance

Las Positas College accepted my short story, “”George W. Did It”, for their 2013 anthology. I submitted a photo too but they will announce artwork and photos later. The photo is of Grace Cathedral’s Ribbon Project.

Live Kelly & Michael Show’s Marriage Proposals Topic on ABC

I watch very few TV programs, but I had the Live Kelly & Michael show playing today while I sorted receipts and looked for my tax spreadsheet to fill out before Friday. She gave statistics, which I don’t remember, about how many women were unhappy with their husband’s marriage proposal and wished they could change […]

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