Live Kelly & Michael Show’s Marriage Proposals Topic on ABC

I watch very few TV programs, but I had the Live Kelly & Michael show playing today while I sorted receipts and looked for my tax spreadsheet to fill out before Friday. She gave statistics, which I don’t remember, about how many women were unhappy with their husband’s marriage proposal and wished they could change it.

Since Mitchell and I have returned from Paris, the city where, on our first trip in 2003, we confirmed our feelings for each other, I thought about Mitchell’s proposal. No, it wasn’t in Paris. It was 2011. We sat on a Victorian style couch at the Hilton lobby near the entrance to the restaurant while waiting for it to open. No one was around. Mitchell surprised me, slid off the couch, got on his knee and proposed. I’m not part of the statistics Kelly quoted. I’m very happy with Mitchell’s marriage proposal.

How about you? What was yours like? Are you happy with it or are you part of Kelly’s statistics?

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