Ariana Corwin in London

Our Ariana just returned from a high school trip to London. Being a fan of Dr. Who, this TARDIS (time machine) was a favorite.

Written Across the Genres Interview With Cathleen Cordova

I am interviewing the authors who contributed stories, novel excerpts, essays or poems to Written Across the Genres. Today’s interview is with Cathleen Cordova who has retired from a career in law enforcement. She has been published in magazines, anthologies, and in Times They Were A-Changing, edited by Kate Farrell, Linda Joy Myers, and Amber […]

New Poetry Contest Page Look at the Menu Above

Check the menu above for the new poetry contest page. The poem should include a theme about CHOICES,  maximum 20 lines, due April 30th. Winners will be published in my new CHOICES anthology  due to be published by the end of 2014. Press reply on the contest page (not here) to enter your poem. Notice, […]

Written Across the Genres Reading Event at Bay Books

The Written Across the Genres reading/book signing event at Bay Books on Monday was a success. The store sold out on the copies we had to sell.  About 20 people were there and many writers read their short stories/essays/poems. Feedback from people who have purchased the book is very positive. Everyone has different favorites, which […]

Anthology Panel at the San Francisco Writers Conference

At the San Francisco Writers Conference, I spoke on a panel with Camille Cusumano and Kate Farrell. We discussed our different experiences with putting together an anthology. Camille is the editor of four literary travel anthologies and Kate co-edited Times They were A-Changing: Women Remember the 60’s & 70’s. As you can see I talked […]

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