Poet Laureate 2013-15 Sandra Harrison Kay

Pleasanton Poet Laureate Sandra Harrison Kay came to our open mic night for the first time. She  read her excellent poem  about a woman who said a man she knew recently passed away in his 80’s and that he was such a nice person. The ending resonated with me on many levels. She also read a shorter poem about one ant.

I hadn’t seen Sandra for several years. I met her at the Pleasanton Poetry, Prose and Arts Festival Conference where I took her workshop on how to blog. I thanked her last night for not only showing me how to blog, but with her enthusiasm, inspired me to start right away. I used blogspot for a year or two and then changed to wordpress.

So timetowritenow would not exist if it hadn’t been for Sandra.You can got to her website and blog at www.writeousmomdotcom

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