My Writing Class at Towne Center Bookstore

Here are members of my afternoon writing class at Towne Center Bookstore. Everyone has entries in my anthology, Written Across the Genres. From left to right: Reme Pick, Art Tenbrink, Marilyn Slade, Blanche Wacquier, Me (Julaina), Linda Todd, Sharon McCracken, Gary Lea, Haihong Liao. The settings of their stories, essays, and poems range from war-torn […]

San Francisco Bay Bridge January 19, 2014

After the San Francisco Writers Conference volunteer meeting, we went to dinner at the Delancey Street Restaurant with a view of the S.F. Bay Bridge. Nice dinner with enthusiastic talk about the up-coming S.F. Writers Conference, February 13th through the 16th. Michael Larsen and Elizabeth Pomada work hard to provide the best writers conference for […]

Written Across the Genres

We are very close to ordering the galley proof for Written Across the Genres. Another step closer to publishing by February 1st. One section toward the end of the book has several name tag mini shorts. The object was to write in one hundred words, a mini short with the sentence, “I have rain in […]

Poet Laureate 2013-15 Sandra Harrison Kay

Pleasanton Poet Laureate Sandra Harrison Kay came to our open mic night for the first time. She  read her excellent poem  about a woman who said a man she knew recently passed away in his 80’s and that he was such a nice person. The ending resonated with me on many levels. She also read […]

Anthology is in Final Review

The anthology title is now confirmed, Written Across the Genres, and it is at Luminare Press. I’m working with the cover designer for the finishing touches and Linda, ace copy editor, is helping me scan the PDF file to check for possible corrections. Then we get a galley proof and look the whole thing over […]

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