Red Asscher Blog Recommended

Check out Paula Chinick’s www.redasscherdotcom/blog to read about the parents of Anya, the protagonist in RED ASSCHER which will be in print by the end of the year.

Poetry Contest Judges

The judges are reading your poems now and should have a winner picked by this time next week. I don’t envy them with all the great entries. I told them a tie would be okay with me. Those of you who want to read the poems, go to my New Contest page at the top […]

Ernest Hemingway’s Quote About Paris

Ernest Hemingway said, “If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a  moveable feast.” I’d like to write a story or a novel set in Paris. I’ve visited there twice and have […]

Poem Contest Closed Now

Thank you all who submitted to the contest.  I will compile the entries without your IDs and email them to my judges. It may take a week or two before we find out who is the winner. I think the poems are excellent.

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