Gruelling Exercise for Writing Fitness

In my writing class, I presented an exercise to analyze a story that had won third prize in a university contest. The author had an unusual writing style that the students found confusing, as did I in the first read. It took me three reads to understand the possible goals the author had for the […]

Quote and Prompt for today

  Sunday, July 14, 2013 The air teaches you the power of invisibility. ~ Dr. Pillai Harry Potter had an invisibility cloak. Can you write one into your story? Or use it as a metaphor? Or write a new story with air as a character teaching the power of invisibility?

Free App Download Details

  Some people had trouble downloading the MyBreath Lite app. Nirinjan gives the following details if you experience difficulty the first time. There are 2 ways that you can download the MyBreath Lite app. Download Directly From Your iPhone or iPad – Note that you need a wireless connection because the app is quite large […]

Free Breath App for Creativity

Breath integrates body, mind, and spirit. As writers, we often are blocked or have due dates that create stress. says, “Studies show that even a short period of breathing awareness reduces stress and improves attention, learning and creativity.” MyBreath Lite Founder, Nirinjan Yee, created an app for iPhone and iPad that helps you to […]

Quotes about Poetry

“Poetry is the synthesis of Hyacinths and biscuits.”  Carl Sandburg “Poetry is fact given over to Imagery.” Rod McKuen “An ‘Image’ is that which presents an intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time.” Ezra Pound “By far the most important thing to master is the use of the metaphor. This is the one […]

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