Free App Download Details


Some people had trouble downloading the MyBreath Lite app. Nirinjan gives the following details if you experience difficulty the first time.

There are 2 ways that you can download the MyBreath Lite app.

Download Directly From Your iPhone or iPad – Note that you need a wireless connection because the app is quite large due to the high quality audio that we use in it.

  • Open the App Store icon (it’s blue with a capital letter A in a circle)
  • Go to the bottom menu and select “Search”
  • Touch the search field at the top (it’s black with an “x” on the right)
  • Type in “MyBreath Lite”
  • Select “MyBreath Lite”
  • Touch “Free” and it will download

Using a Desktop or Laptop Computer

  • Go to this url:
  • Under the MyBreath icon, select “View in iTunes”
  • Select “Download”
  • Connect your iPhone/iPad to your computer
  • Select iPhone/iPad within iTunes
  • Select Apps
  • Scroll to MyBreath Lite
  • Select “Install”
  • Select “Apply” and “Sync” at the bottom right corner of the iTunes page

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