A Teacher Learns Part III

Here are the last four lines from Author Unknown about what she learned her first year of teaching. Thank you, Kristen, for sharing this paper with us and thanks to all the teachers out there who align with Author Unknown.

“I didn’t know that the sound of children’s laughter could drown out the sound of all the world’s sadness…

I didn’t know that children could feel so profoundly. A broken heart knows no age…

I didn’t know that a single “yes ma’am” from a disrespectful child or a note in my desk that says “You’re the best!” could make me feel like I’m on top of a mountain and forget the valleys I forged to get there…

I never knew that after one year of teaching I would feel so much wiser, more tired, sadder and happier, all at once, and that I would no longer call teaching my job, but my privilege.”



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