Contest Ends Today

My contest for the group poem title ends today. Take a look on the contest page if you’d still like to enter.

Characters Demand Attention

Haikuandydotcom sends a daily Haiku if you sign up for it. Today’s makes a good writing prompt. chinese restaurant the future manager refills our water Makes me wonder about the future manager. Does he/she know about the future promotion? How long will it take? What is the character like, kind or ruthless? Is there an […]

George Bernard Shaw Quote

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” George Bernard Shaw As writers, we can use that problem between our characters.

Sun Dog, our Sun’s Loyal Companion

This sun dog was seen over the S.F. East Bay on June 18, 2013. It is the result of sunlight refracting through tiny ice crystals in the atmosphere usually when cirrus clouds are present. The nickname “sun dog” comes from the halos next to the sun being like loyal dogs keeping pace with their master. […]


THEMA is a literary magazine that requests submissions every four months with target themes.  July 1, 2013 is the due date for short stories, essays, poems, photographs, and art that relate to Ten Minutes is a LONG time! Requirements:  The premise must be an integral part of the plot, not necessarily the central theme but […]

Litotes Rhetorical Device in Writing

Litotes consists of an understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by negating its opposite. Examples: Hada was not unaware of Samuel’s manipulation. She didn’t dislike it. Lev was not a little upset. Litotes describes the object to which it refers not directly, but through negation of the opposite. The meaning is not clear. The […]

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