A Teacher Learns

The author is unknown, but a teacher intern I observed last night gave me 12 comments titled “I Didn’t Know”. They resonated with me since I was a classroom teacher for more than twenty-five years. I’ll post four at a time. I didn’t know that years of school and a college degree would be of […]

The Character’s Mysterious Future

In WRITING EMOTIONAL IMPACT, Karl Iglesias tells writers to tap into the reader’s curiosity, anticipation and uncertainty with surprises and a strong dilemma. To create a mysterious future, show surprisesĀ  in the character’s reactions, behaviors, dialogue, or whatever is unpredictable but consistent with the attitudes and desires of the character. Another reason to make a […]

How to Make the Character’s Present Mysterious

Karl Iglesias in his book, WRITING EMOTIONAL IMPACT, describes how to create reader curiosity in the present. He suggests showing the character’s unusual behavior and reactions, such as overreacting or avoiding a subject. The aim is to have the reader wonder why and to wonder what he/she is hiding. Another idea is to have other […]

Writing Emotional Mystery

Karl Iglesias in his WRITING FOR EMOTIONAL IMPACT presents mystery in the emotional sense, not as a genre. Mystery connects the reader with the character. Mystery elicits the reader’s curiosity and anticipation. Iglesias explains writing mystery about the character’s past, present, and future. He differentiates the mysterious past from backstory by “how much is actually […]

Published in Las Positas College Anthology

Jordan Bernal, Stacey Gustafson, and I are holding copies of the Las Positas’ anthology called, ALL THAT REMAINS. My short story, “Stepping Stones”, Stacey’s humorous two essays, “He’s Not That into Me” and “Hair Today Gone Tomorrow”, and Jordan’s two poems, “Get Off the Road”, and “Dreams” were published in the book.

Harlequin Accepted my Short Story

My short story titled, “The Crumpled Card”, has been accepted for publication by Harlequin for their 2013 Christmas anthology called, A KISS UNDER THE MISTLETOE, edited by Jennifer Basye Sander. It will be available later this year.

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