Hawaii Ho’oponopono CD by Lauren Pomerantz


Gorgeous photos of Hawaii and my friend’s beautiful voice. Below is an excerpt from Lauren’s newsletter explaining Ho’oponopono.

Sweet to hear that a video made from my song
Heal with Ho’oponopono had reached 48,000 views. One fan of my song Heal with Ho’oponopono asked if they could use it with her beautiful photographs of Hawaii. Click to listen/watch!
I originally wrote the song during a 6 week period while living on Maui. I would go to the ocean and meditate on the Hawaiian practice originated in ancient times and then re-taught by the late Morna Simeona. With the ALL of the One, it combined a kahuna practice of uniting the child self with the mother and father God Aspects that had become separated by limited perspective.
Truth is simple. The practice is simple. The song is really simple. And yet all this is so profound and effective. Its a mystery. Truly a surprise that it works so well. I have been so surprised at the groups using it daily now. You can download just the song in English or in Spanish: Heal with Ho’oponopono song, Sana Con Ho’oponopono.
Both versions are now available as downloads from CDbaby.com, i-tunes, and Amazon.com. Click here:

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