Thomas Edison Quote

Opportunity is missed  by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. ~ Thomas Edison

Free 500-word Critique

California Writers Club Tri-Valley Branch members presented photos for writers to compose poems, essays, stories, or comments specifically for each photo. Find the picture that has the following writing accompanying it. Tell me the name of the photo and the author. The first person with the correct answers will receive a critique for a 500-word […]

Character’s Trust Gone Wrong

The best way you can find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them. ~ Ernest Hemingway This quote from Hemingway made me think about the characters in my novel, HADA’S FOG. Hada trusted the wrong person throughout the plot. Is trust an issue in your WIP?

Your Space

Check out writer Jan Davies’ blog post today on She talked about “Space–How Much is Enough?” and shared the video link below:

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