Motivation Quote

People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily. ~ Zig Ziglar

A FAR TRAVELER download free offer

Blake Hietzman’s novel, A FAR TRAVELER, can be downloaded free on by using the code:  ZE68Z. This free download will be available until mid February. An honest review would be appreciated.

Blogging a Book

Most writers know that we have to build a platform since publishers expect us to promote our books these days. One suggestion is to write parts of your book or all of it in a series of blogs to create interest in you. On the back of Nina Amir’s book, HOW TO BLOG A BOOK, […]

Town Center Books in Pleasanton

My favorite bookstore in Triv-Valley is offering a flash fiction contest due February 15th and will be on display during their 19/15th anniversary on February 16th from 4 to 6 p.m. 300 word limit.

Celebrations at lunch

Celebrating birthdays with friends for lunch at the Hilton and promoting Jennifer King’s anthology, IMMERSION where my story, “Immersed in Finding Him”, was published.


Shared my story, “Immersed in Finding Him” with my friends where the red tulips competed for attention.

Funny Flash Film Be sure to watch to the credits. It’s only about 3 minutes.  

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