National Novel Writing Month

My NaNoWriMo project this year is not a novel. It’s an anthology called A Class of Muses, and my ID on is JMK. I’ve written first drafts of four novels during past Novembers. My third novel, Hada’s Fog, is in its sixth and final draft. Monday and Tuesday writing class members have submitted stories, […]

Vistaprint Fun

Since Hada’s Fog is in its final draft, I have ordered promotional items to saturate readers’ minds with the title. Then they will recognize the published form and buy it, right?  That’s what presenters tell us at the promotional workshops I’ve attended. Somewhere along my internet sign ups, Vistaprint offered me 100 free business cards. […]

Give Feelings a Chance to Act

   I read somewhere to give life to abstractions by substituting concrete images that suggest the feeling. I’ve decided to put that advice into practice with every other chapter. The newest one I wrote in revising Chapter One again is about Hada. Instead of saying she felt guilty, I wrote: Guilt pinched at her heart […]

Harlequin Published My Story

My story “Enough Time for Christmas”, about a Christmas story my son wrote when he was in high school, has been published by Harlequin in Jennifer Basye Sanders’ anthology called: A Miracle Under the Christmas Tree: Real Stories of Hope, Faith and the True Gifts of the Season. It’s available on Amazon. There will be a book […]

CWC Literary Review

A nice surprise arrived in my mailbox. The California Writers Club has produced a Literary Review where CWC members can submit stories for publication. They chose twenty-eight to publish out of one hundred sixteen stories and poems that were submitted. Stories can be previously published as long as the author has the right to convey […]

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