Character Tip

Monica Wood offers us a writing tip: “If your main character is eluding you, have her write a letter to the editor.” What is on her or his mind?

Need Last Minute Gift Ideas?

For readers, here are some recommendations for books published this last year: Anne Ayers Koch has written two books of essays: It’s all About the Story: Composing a Life in Books “speaks to everyone who appreciates mystery, detective and romance stories. In a series of twent-two brief essays, the author reflects on these genres—why they […]

Character Prompt

Want a new character in your book or story just for fun?  Plan a trip to a store where there is only one cash register. Promise yourself that the first person in line when you walk in will be a character you will develop. What does he/she look like? What kinds of clothes? Hairstyle? Notice […]

Frances Caballo Book on Social Media

Social Media can be overwhelming, it still is for me. I’ve found Frances Caballo’s book, Social Media Just for Writers, The Best Online Marketing Tips for Selling Your Books, helpful. It’s an interesting read compared to some books I’ve checked out on the topic. It doesn’t make the overwhelm any easier, but at least I […]

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